Harald Greve Høiby

Current activities

last updated: 08-07-2023

Exams over, book launch begins

Exams are over. I'm content. Spend a good portion of the exam time polishing up my book which is now live at detgodegymnasieliv.dk!

I want to get it out to everyone who might benefit from it, so I am writing to every highschool and highschool-related organisation, asking to give a speech or introduce pupils or teachers to it.

No longer learning German

I have been looking to cut on activities where I don't want to go through the dip (The long difficult part before any rewards come) if the reward isn't great enough, and German was surprisingly high on that list. I liked the idea of learning it efficiently, but I don't care much for the result (Speaking German). If I at some point find the process in itself to be a great reward, I will probably come back. I somewhat enjoyed the process, but not enough for it to be a consistent daily thing

Going to Scotland

I am going to Scotland with my family to hike the west highland way. It's been a minute since I went out hiking, and I'm super excited!