Harald Greve Høiby

Losing is temporary, football is forever


You start a football match, put on your shorts, tie your shoes. Feet hitting ground, wind hitting face, sweat hitting grass. You are down 0-2. The whistle sounds. You’ve lost. You lay down on the ground. All that hard work for nothing.

A teammate reaches out their hand to you. “Get up, 2nd half is starting in 10 minutes!” You get up and play again. You’re down 0-4. The whistle sounds. You’ve lost. You lay down on the ground. All that hard work for nothing.

A teammate reaches out their hand to you. “Get up, the next match is in 2 hours!” You lose 0-4. You lay down on the ground. All that hard work for nothing.

A teammate reaches out their hand to you. “Get up, the next tournament is in 14 days!” …

You only lose when time is called. In life, time is called only at death. Until then, you can’t lose. Instead broaden your horizon and find the next match.

To continue the conversation, email harald@grevehoiby.dk